I am Enough

Hey Everyone! 

Well, this past weekend, after locking my keys in my car and missing out on the events I had planned to attend, I was dressed with nowhere to go. Being too late for my plans left me with the urge to go somewhere...out to eat maybe? To a movie even...but there was one problem! See, I have a fear of doing things alone.

After tweeting about my urge two of my virtual sisters Kerissa and Ariel encouraged me to go on a date with myself and do it often! So I did it and although I'll be honest I still felt a bit weird, I really enjoyed it! 
Thrifted Clutch

As I sat in Chili's alone, I was reminded that {Jesus} came that {we might} have and enjoy life, and 
have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows) John 10:10 (amplified version). 
Pink Pleated Skirt
 No longer will I sit around waiting on others to make something enjoyable for me. So from here on out I will step out of my comfort zone and do those things I've been wanting to, but waiting on someone to do them with.  

Old Navy Pleated Skirt
I am enough.

 This post was inspired by Beatrice Clay, who created the above screensaver. It's currently my screensaver on my iPhone and I'm glad, because we all need to be reminded some times.
Get yours here.
Top: Forever21+ (similar)  Skirt: Old Navy (Purple version on sale here, similar here and similar dress here   
Shoes: c/o Bakers Shoes (similar)   Necklace: Aldo  Clutch: Thrifted (similar

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  1. I love this post!!! Several years ago there was an article in Essence talking about dating yourself. I thought it was absurd...until I did it. I found that I really enjoyed spending quality time with me...sending myself flowers, buying myself gifts. It was important that I respected and loved myself...so that when my future husband came along the standards were already set.

    After 10 years of marriage and 3 kids. I still find time to date myself. It is a lot less frequent...but it is well worth it...and it allows me to remember my worth.

    Enjoy this romance with yourself...because you are worth it.

  2. Yay for stepping out of your comfort zone!! I used to go out alone a lot, but got comfortable having a boyfriend to sit at home with for many years. Now that I'm single again, I shall certainly be taking myself on dates. It's a bit weird feeling but also really great to be so comfortable in your own skin to be able to treat yourself! LOVE that pink skirt by the way,; very cute date/event look!

  3. Love the skirt! I must say i've been impressed with Old navy"s selection as of lately! and those heels totally plays up the look! FAB inez

    xoxo Ty

  4. You look great and I love that skirt. I am enough..I love it! Sometimes you need to alone to get your thoughts together and realize that if you can't be with yourself..who else will.

  5. You look great and I love this post!! It is awesome that you are at this place in your life!!!

    Carsedra of:



  6. Love this post. I am glad that you were able to go out alone and have a good time.That pink skirt is just lovely :-)

  7. *fist bump* Yay for you! You looked beautiful, the pink and white are so feminine.

  8. Welcome to the world of bring a lady ACTIVELY waiting Sis! I've been dating me fore years. There have been a few guys here and there but for the most part I've been trying new things and new places because it makes ME happy and reinforces that I don't have to have a mate (although I'm really open) to get dolled up and go out. Maybe next time we'll go to the same restaurant and Skype or video chat. Hmmmm.. :) besides looking a good as you did I'm certain some guys took notice!

  9. I love the look! Especially those shoes! WERK!

  10. Girl I loveeeeeeeeeeeee this post!!!! I love the message behind this post. I'm glad that you found the courage to start to do things on your own. Time waits for no one and God didn't bring us in this world to have us depend on others to bring us joy. It will take a little bit of getting used to and there will be times when you may feel alone again but just continue to pray and ask God for guidance. You look absolutely stunning in your outfit & I love that clutch dear. Have a wonderful day :)


  11. I am so proud of you for doing that!!!!! * go you * I have done it, with a good ole book.

  12. Love this fit! Kudos to you for going out along, I don't have the courage yet.

  13. I struggle with the same thing also. I have such a hard time going out alone, I am always afraid of looking like a loser. On the other hand when I do make time for other people they never appreciate it. I need to remind myself more that I am enough great message VBFF! Of course you look fabulous, cheers to stepping out of your comfort zone.


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