Bold Print | Bold Color...I Wear What I Want

The other day I just so happened to stumble across an album on Facebook that included pictures of me and many of the bloggers I met while in NY. The comments on the pictures and clothing choices of those pictured were pretty surprising. Comment after comment pointed out what we as plus size women, should not wear or how they thought this and that was a no-no for the plus size girl.

I have never in my life seen so many negative comments regarding someones clothing choices. It's one thing to give your opinion but to pick apart someone's outfit or comment on how they aren't "real woman" because they are not what you deem "plus size" is not only unnecessary but ridiculous! As bloggers we put ourselves out there, baring our souls, and yes sometimes our arms and midriff too, in hopes of inspiring, not tearing down! We do it in hopes of breaking the stereotype of "oh you're to big to wear that" in hopes of strengthening the belief that you can wear what you want, and be confident while doing so!
 Why? Because we want to break this form of hate, criticism and overall low esteem of  some plus size women, who have been scarred by their moms idea of what the fat girl is supposed to wear! We can be bold, daring and beautiful with our clothing choices! We can rock bold color, print and vertical stripes...shorts, mini skirts, or even the crop top!

I believe that if it is flattering and you feel comfortable do it!! I've always moved to the beat of my own drum! I encourage you to think about how and what you say! Just because you would not wear something doesn't mean it doesn't work for the person who is actually wearing it! 
Can we live?
If all you are spewing is hate...all of the time, what does that say about you?!

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions. 
Watch your actions, for they become habits. 
Watch your habits, for they become character. 
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

I wore this outfit to Social Media Day Detroit, to see more pictures from the event visit my Facebook page.

|White V-Neck T-Shirt: H&M (SIMILAR)  Jennifer Lopez Solid Shorts Trouser Shorts: KOHLS (ON SALE HERE FOR $17 Micheal Antonio Jaxine-Snake Print Ankle Strap Sandal: BUY HERE   Paisley and Floral Print Jacket: THRIFTED (SIMILAR HERE) Spiked Turquoise Necklace: JEWELRY SHOP IN NEW YORK (SIMILAR) |

Be sure to follow me, I'm Everywhere... hehe!
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 |Are you a fashion blogger in Detroit? Join FASH DET: Fashion Bloggers of Detroit|

Thanks for reading!



  1. Love that thrifted jacket and necklace! You're right too. We show so much of ourselves to uplift others. I'm glad you don't take those words to heart. Keep being fabulous! :-)

    1. Thanks Ash, we bloggers have to have tough skin, I learned that early on and although the comments were not directed towards me they were still highly offensive.

  2. Love this post! And you looookkk wonderfullll!


  3. Love this post! People have been so "worried" about us rocking what we want these days. It's coming out and it's showing it's ugly head. I've been on twitter constantly letting people know if they don't like it then don't look. Seeing a plus sized women in a crop top shouldn't be shocking. It shouldn't be shocking to see us rocking shorts or mini's. Now if the outfit is plain bad I get that but a lot of the times they aren't and people are truly hating. The tweets I've seen are enough to make me wear it even more just because they are hating! Anyway you look gorgeous and those shoes are amazing! I love the entire outfit though!

    Keep wearing what you want, and hopefully this post shows others they need to do the same.


    1. My aim is to inspire it's unfortunate that people are so quick to spew hate!

  4. True! I love these shorts on you.

  5. I think it is phenomenal that plus size women are taking a stance on personal clothing choices! Even though I am plus size I wouldn't rock most of the clothes that you fabulous women wear but that's my choice.

    1. Hi Takia, in life we all have choices and these angry commenters have a choice as well. My hope is to inspire and although I'm well aware that everyone will not wear what I chose to wear, I will always be true to myself and encourage women to step out of their comfort zones one garment at a time! :)

  6. Tell it Inez! People kill me.... You look fab as usual darling.

  7. Love this look, Inez. People need to fall back. Keep wearing what you want and continue to inspire! You look fab!


  8. You look good! I love those shorts!!!!

    1. Thanks Tammie, I didn't think I would like them, but they fit great. So glad I stepped out of my comfort zone.

  9. You look amazing...point.blank.period!

  10. This is a great look for you. thanks for the motivation.

  11. Wow, I don't know what to say except that your outfit and you look fresh from head to toe! Forget the hat8ers cus "Ain't nobody got time for that!" Something as simple as a white v-neck tee, you turn it into an amazing stylized look, that's what I love about reading your blog! I am loving those yellow shorts and the necklace, and the way you used the white tee help pull the look together. The jacket takes the look from being casual-smart, to casual/dressy -chic. So do it guurrrl!

    1. You get it girl, thank you for the love! Although the comments weren't directed towards me directly they were still equally offensive!

  12. your outfit is fabulous, I'll never understand why people extend themselves to put down someone else negative people like that live negative lives

  13. Thank you for this post. I've received negative comments before too. Now I made commenter sign in, because if they want to attack, they shouldn't do it in the dark (aka. anonymous).

    1. I don't mind negative comments I just feel there is a way to say things. The comments were not towards me but were just as offensive if they had been. You can say you don't like something without being rude or nasty.

  14. Heyyyyy Inez: U are truly one of my all-time favorite fashion bloggers. I have always supported the plus-size movement and I am proud to know the the fashion industry and the power of the media are recognizing it. Dismiss the nay-sayers and negative ppl that expound the worst words to say that adversely affects the feelings of plus-size women and the ppl that support them, their look, their image. We both know whats important and that is plus-size ladies portraying the best of positive and endearing images about themselves and how it resonates to other ppl that will affect change and allow the movement to be more acceptable. God bless you and thank you for your contributions to the fashion blogosphere, the plus-size movement and our beloved fashion industry. :-)

  15. You look perfect. #werk regardless. People are going to always have an opinion and sometimes it's negative, most likely because they are mad they didn't do it first.

  16. Sis, never let anyone steal your shine! My sense of fashion has grown tremendously and I attribute it to the many plus style fashion bloggers I followers long before I started my own lil spot. We have this belief that small is better suited for anything fashion. That's a bold lue. I don't look good in everything and I now realize that I look great in things I never considered before. Please don't take out personal. As God continues to evaluate you the hate spewers will be trying to figure out why as you rock your fits. Catwalks off stage left ;)

  17. I stumbled across your blog and immediately saved it in my favorites. I am not plus sized but I would never tear down someone. If they look good, they look good. I see fashion not size and you my dear are fashionable!

    1. I'm so glad you find my blog relateable! Thank you!

  18. PREACH...Sister! I wear what I like although my mirror can be deceiving, but I love Me & Myself and so should everyone. Thanks for this post.

    1. Everyone should, that's where it starts! You're very welcome!

  19. U look beautiful...u exude class and confidence...Do It Boo!!!

  20. Screw them! I see style when I look at you, not size.

    1. Thanks girl! The comments weren't directed towards me however I was still highly offended by them.

  21. Every woman regardless of size has something they are insecure about. It is really hard to put yourself out there as well as all the those parts of yourself that you are uncomfortable with. There will always be negative people. Unfortunately in life you have to take the good with the bad. It is good for you for every negative comment you have so many more people that want to encourage and lift you up! :-). Keep letting your light shine darling!

    1. You're right, there will always be Debbie Downers!

      I've missed you Ariel, hope things are well!

  22. Is that a jacket or a blouse that you wore as a 'jacket'? Either way, diggin' it.

    Meanwhile, great post. I know exactly the album you're talking about. I was pretty shocked, too, at the comments. Like, some of the comments weren't even good criticism; it was comments meant to get a laugh and tear folks down. Totally disturbing and it bothered me. So much so that I had to address one of the main posters because throughout the album all you saw was that poster commenting such trivial stuff. Ugh.

    The only thing I got outta the album and the comments were that maybe these ladies live in a place that don't see plus size beauties dashing out legit style. Or maybe these ladies are still not comfortable in their own skin so they project their insecurities on others to make themselves feel better. One or the other.

    1. It's a jacket. :)

      Yes, Vivi, I saw your comments so you know exactly what I'm talking about, thank you for your comments!

  23. Haha, this made me laugh! Thank you!

  24. Thanks Sing, NYC does a body right!

  25. Absolutely love your jacket.

    And ma'am, you better speak that truth! I think negative people see something in you that they don't like about themselves... whether it's something you have or are lacking

    Confessions Of A City Girl / Enerjiee

  26. I can totally relate to this! When ever I am featured on a UK plus size clothing page, its like the fashion police come after me. Sometimes the plus size women can be so cruel with their comments. Big girls shouldn't wear that, she looks terrible, she should dress for her shape. It's so demorolising more so because it is from other women who I am sure share some of the safe issues of being plus size than me! I think its great that you stood up against this. I love your blog so keep doing what you are doing!

  27. Omg!! Gorgeous look!! Great legs girly!!


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