Saturday, February 14

Single Ladies: Treat Yourself for Valentine's Day...Know Your Worth

Today is Valentine's Day and I was inspired to write this post, you guys know I never blog on Saturday's but this was heavy on my heart.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)
I was reminded of this scripture and I am using it metaphorically today. It lead me to question our hearts as single women. Do we truly know our worth? Are we sulking today, knowing that we are spending yet another Valentines day alone. Are you going to stay in the house today to avoid seeing any of the lovers today? I urge you to get up out of that spirit, shake it off and treat yourself! Take yourself on a date, buy yourself flowers or cook a great meal! Do not scroll Instagram all day wishing your life was different! 

How will our men know how to treat us, if we do not treat ourselves? How are we developing and training their thoughts, so that they will not depart from them if we ourselves are thinking negative on February 14th? I am reminded that although today is Valentine's Day, it is no different from any other day. A day I was blessed with, a day that I will live and be glad in! 

I was gifted some pretty amazing bra's and panties from my friends over at Perfects Australia via Kohls and I love them! Today, I'll be lounging around, sitting pretty in them, enjoying the Edible Arrangement I sent myself and sipping on a little wine as I celebrate this lover's holiday with my puppy, Prince. 

Ladies, let's not forget our worth on today! Let's get up and enjoy our life to the fullest, daily! Let's not let a "holiday" dictate how we feel about ourselves! Let's remember what Love truly is all about
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 
1 Corinthians 13:13
With love,


  1. Great post! I totally agree. I treated myself today to a pinky red mani, red lipstick and liner, a red scarf and some red wine.... Not just because its valentines day. Just because I work all week and I deserve it. I did everything in red because it's Valentine's Day. 😉😊

  2. Me too Inez! In fact I'm out enjoying my own company as I type this!

  3. It is all about treating yourself and that's absolutely what I did and enjoyed every minute if it.


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