Monday, April 23

Laser Hair Removal Vlog Experience + Tips with Light Rx

About a year ago, I mentioned that I had started laser hair removal treatments with LightRx. My disclaimer is the same, I was gifted these services in return for my honest review.

Well I had my last treatment  so I thought now would be the perfect time to tell you all about the process and my experience. I recorded my last session and in the video below I will be taking you guys along with me so that you can see the experience for yourself. I also answer a few tips in the video as well.

Laser Hair Removal Frequently Asked Questions

How many sessions did you have? I had 10 sessions. With LightRx you pay for 8 sessions and are gifted two additional sessions should you need them. 

How are treatments scheduled? Treatments are spread over time between 4-6 weeks depending on the area being treated.

What type of Laser Was Used? Venus Versa. 

Does it hurt? No. In my opinion, it does not hurt it has the sensation of the pop of a rubber band, but it is so quick you barely feel any real discomfort. 

Does it really work? Yes, it does.

Is it a permanent solution?  Over time you will notice that the hair will grow finer and finer and less and less. Over time you will shave less and less.

Are you satisfied?  YES! I am completely satisfied with the results.

Watch the video here:

If you have any other questions please leave them in the comments below!

Be sure to follow me on Instagram here. 
Thanks so much for reading! 


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