Sunday, August 28

Be Ye Transformed

If you're anything like me you've made plenty of mistakes, done some things you've regretted, and sinned and fallen short...that is if you'll admit it to yourself. Don't worry I won't tell. 

The Bible tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

Some of the greatest things about God is his forgiveness, and that His provision and will for us is greater than any mistake we've made...and will make. Most of all His love covers us and He cares for us. 

Romans 12:2 tells us: 
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. KJV

I encourage you to be ye transformed and be set apart. 

The world will certainly try to tell us who we are with labels and lies. But don't be discouraged. Allow God to change your mindset and shift your life. 

I am practicing this very thing now. It is a daily commitment. Now, I've always been a believer...yet, my faith was tested in a major way a few months ago. I now relate heavily to the line: If it had not been for the Lord where would I be?! 

Where would we be if we stop depending on our Father for guidance? Certainly lost. 

Dear God, 

I thank you for finding me and meeting me where I was and restoring my faith. I thank you for deliverance and the transformation of my mind. I am surrendering to your will for my life.

In Jesus name I pray, 


Pastels for Spring

Pastels are really hot and trending for Spring 2014, and I've been on the hunt for the perfect pant. So ...