I am a conqueror!
I am an over comer!
I am forgiven!
I am a winner!
I've been a victim of my own negative thoughts, fears and paranoia. I let the
way I felt and my perception of the world dictate the thoughts and words I
chose to speak over my life. I could and would easily replace those
affirmations with things like:
I am weak.
I am a victim.
God won't forgive me.
I am a loser.
But you know, I refuse! I refuse to be a slave to negative feelings and
emotions. I refuse to live and think with a victim mentality. I will no longer
with my thoughts and words, bash and stigmatize my life. I have made a vow to
myself and it's SPEAK LIFE and equally so THINK LIFE.
Proverbs 18:21 tells us: Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and
they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
What we think, speak and the way we live will bear fruit in our lives that we
will one day eat. So be careful what you plant. If all that's planted is
negativity, painful memories, and questionable actions, that is what we will
certainly choke on.
I urge you to make a conscious choice to speak and think life. I actually
think it's crucial that we start with our thoughts. Before we even give breath
to our words, we ponder and harbor our thoughts. Let's try to stop them,
correct and replace them with psalms, affirmations and positive thoughts.
Before you know it your words will follow. Then, the fruit you eat will be
sweet and pleasant to your taste.
Think, speak and live life and you will certainly have it in abundance.
Dear Lord,
When negative thoughts creep into my mind, please replace those thoughts and
my words, with your word for my life. Show me who I am in you. Give me the
power to think, speak, and live life in abundance as you intended.
In Jesus name I pray,
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