Sunday, September 11

My Hope Is Built

I haven't publicly talked much about what I've gone through personally for many reasons. One of the main reasons being is the internet is forever, and some things just aren't meant for the world. My testimony though, is something that I will freely share over time without sharing bit by bit of everything that occured. 

Through God's grace, I am able to be transparent with the the world through the lessons and things God has shown me along the way. Sharing my testimony is what I'll do, solely for the glorification of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

In February 2020, before the pandemic and Covid-19 rocked the world, I had what most would consider a mental breakdown. Now I wouldn't label it that, but for the next two years, I would experience a season of pain like nothing I had ever experienced in life. I went through this season with little to no care or concern from those closest to me. Those that I thought I could call on in my time of need, I very quickly saw they were not willing or could not provide what I needed at the time. During this crisis, I lost friends, family and many many others. 

But God! 

God never left me nor forsaked me. Even though it felt I was all alone and unloved.  

During the last 2 1/2 years, my faith was tested and surely I almost ran out of it. I lost my voice and my zeal for life and quite frankly was on the verge of giving up and that's when my God intervened. (Thank you Father!)

He came and reminded me thru the Holy Spirit, the revelation of scripture and song, that He had never left me. I am so grateful and honored He did. 

Now, with the loss of so many of my "closest" relationships I've realized those relationships, if they can even be called that, weren't that close at all. The foundation on which they were built was not solid. So God allowed them to fall. 

Today, I stand on my faith! Nothing and no one can come between my relationship with God! No relationship means more to me than the one I have with my heavenly Father. 

On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. 

Dear God,

Help me to accept when relationships in my life end. Allow me to solely and confidently depend on you for love and companionship. Please continue to be my rock and my redeemer. Thank you for supplying all my help. 

In Jesus Name,


  1. It's people out here that look for you daily. You have a true testimony friend.


Pastels for Spring

Pastels are really hot and trending for Spring 2014, and I've been on the hunt for the perfect pant. So ...