Monday, September 5

Waiting to Hear from You

Are you currently in a waiting season? Well,  I most certainly am! Waiting for God to lead and trusting Gods plan for your life can seem daunting. Simply and solely waiting on God before you act is a true act of faith.

Now, that is something I haven't generally practiced in my life and even when I wrote "simply" I thought to myself it can't be that simple to solely wait to hear from God, can it? Well...

In 1 Samuel 3, God was calling out to Samuel at a time when he had never heard from God and Samuel many times over mistakes God's voice for someone else. (Eli)
How many times has God spoken to us and we did not receive it? 

How many times have we moved without opening our hearts to hear from the Lord? 

Unfortunately, I can recall countless times in my life where my decisions have led me down a path of frustration, regret and destruction. Not today! Today, I am vowing to be still and wait to hear from God! 
I am seeking His direction and guidance in ALL areas of my life.  Even those areas I've quite frankly always done it my way! Now, I am asking and seeking His will not mine be done no matter how uncertain tomorrow is. 

I will trust. 


Give us courage to seek ye first your kingdom and wait on your guidance in our lives. Strengthen our faith so that we may boldly and confidently wait on you. While we are waiting allow us peace and comfort that only you give.

In Jesus name I pray,


Pastels for Spring

Pastels are really hot and trending for Spring 2014, and I've been on the hunt for the perfect pant. So ...