How Do You Overcome Heartbreak

Over the years, I've often asked myself, how do people move on so fast after heartbreak? I'm often dumbfounded by how quickly people start relationships, get married, or even have children so soon after a heartbreaking breakup. That is because in my case my heart has been broken for many many years and if I'm going to be honest with myself it's been well over a decade now. Ugh, it shames me to even admit that to you right now. I've gone so long trying to overcome the heartache I feel, that even right now at 5am I just simply felt the need to share. 

Do our hearts ever truly heal after the pain and devastation or are we simply moving on in hopes that it will eventually, and then boom one day you're over it? I mean that's how it worked for my first heartbreak but this one, this one just hit me different. I'm no different from you I'm sure, after sometime to mourn and reflect on the failed relationship and after I thought I'd given myself time enough to heal...I dated. I tried. I sought professional help through therapy, I was encouraged with scripture and prayer. I exercised, went vegan and lost a ton of weight! I "felt" great, but still my heart was suffering. My life has moved on swiftly, yet the remnants of heartbreak remains. I'm tired.

I never thought I'd be here at 42 years old, I had always planned that by 27 I would be married and my husband and I would be eagerly working on the children. To the contrary I'm single, childless and no longer even desire children. I'm not even sure if I desire a relationship. I just one day hope to fill the hole in my heart.

Have you struggled with a broken heart? How did you overcome?

Thanks so much for reading! 


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