In this day and age we use our cell phones for everything, we wake with them as alarm clocks, we monitor the weather with them, check our emails and calendars with them, and this is all before we even step out of bed in the morning.
How glorifying to God would it be if the first thing we reached for in the morning was our Bibles and not our cellphones! Spending mornings with God is a great way to start your day. I want to encourage you to consider just how programmed and connected you may be with your device.
Think about it, they're primarily used for shopping, mobile banking, payment transactions and transferring money with Apple Pay, CashApp and the like. Not to mention as note keepers, to store passwords, as photo albums of our most sensitive memories and pictures, and to connect with friends and family through social media on them countless times a day. Then there's even more personal and sensitive information like medical records or court records that are accessible using our phones. Just how secure are these websites and apps that we depend on?
God forbid if all of these apps were ever hacked at one time! Or if AI gets a hold of your data, what would your phones data reveal about you? How could that information be used against you? Wow, it's scary to even ponder just how vulnerable these devices have made us over time.
Have you ever considered the dangers of having your cell phone hacked, monitored or even illegally searched and monitored by the police? How violated would you feel? How much privacy are you really giving up when you agree the terms of the apps downloaded from the Google Play and Apple Stores? Losing our phones these days is in more ways even worse than losing your wallet.
Since 2020, I have made a conscious effort to try to be less consumed with my phone and social media in order to protect my privacy, and I encourage you to do the same.
That leads me to why I'm posting this, I wanted to start a new segment on my blog #CellPhonesOrBibles: Mornings with God, where each day I'll share scripture and a pray with you, similar to Faith Chic 360 that I started back on Instagram in 2017.
Let's grow closer to God together and make a conscious effort to utilize the most powerful app on our phones: The Holy Bible.
I'm using the Bible App by Download it now for your mobile device.
Thanks for reading!
With God's Love,