Wednesday, February 5

Joyce Meyer Conference

Hey everyone!!
Well this post is L-O-N-G overdue! I’ve been super busy the last few weeks and I when I sat down to recap my experiences at the Joyce Meyer conference I wanted to be sure I had enough time to devote to this post. The conference took place a couple weeks ago at the Palace of Auburn Hills.  I was fortunate enough to attend on the last day of the conference and I was even luckier to snag a third row seat in the packed arena!!

Praise and worship was lead by Isreal Houghton and New Breed and they really aided in getting the praise session started. I was so pumped and overjoyed just to be in the presence of so many believers! It was truly amazing! 

After reading over my notes which are three pages long, I figured it would be a good idea to split this post  into a mini-series entitled Armed and Dangerous. 

Prior to my hiatus from blogging earlier this year, I had never really listened to or followed Joyce Meyer before. I had heard of her but I didn’t know her story. During that very difficult time in my life I needed to be feed by the Word and one day the Spirit lead me to begin listening to Joyce Meyer’s teachings. I very quickly became hooked to them and I quickly downloaded every app that I could find and I even purchased two of her books, The Battlefield of the Mind and Living Beyond Your Feelings. 

She encourages us to get to know God for ourselves and not rely on a preacher or teacher, but to have an intimate, one-on-one relationship with God and get to know His Word for ourselves. 

What I love most about Joyce Meyer is her ability to share her story so freely; we can all gain hope and increase our faith and endurance by knowing that God can and will keep on His promises to us. He will never abandon us regardless of  circumstances, now, present or past. 

Forever21 clutch

Starting next week, I will share with you the blessing that Joyce Meyer shared with us. 

Be blessed! 
{{Don't forget to enter the giveaway}}
| Pleated Maxi Dress: Vintage Thrifted (similar in blue, black) 
Blazer: Dressbarn Thrifted (similar)   Bag: Forever21 (similar)  |

Thanks for reading!


  1. You look divine. I love Joyce Meyer too and find that her podcasts encourage me daily. Excited to hear what she shared at the conference!

  2. Love the pleats and blush color on you! As a Joyce Meyer fan, I'm a bit jealous that you were able to attend that conference :-). I truly appreciate her realness and how she emphasizes an everyday relationship with God in a very approachable way!

  3. So glad you had this experience!! I love Joyce and Israel! Simply powerful!

  4. This dress - color, pleats, everything - is so pretty on you! I've never heard of Joyce Meyer...I'll have to check her out. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Awesome Post LL... embrace God. You look beautiful (as usual)... love the new hair!

  6. It's not over... It's not finished. The worst is over and the best is yet to come. WONDERFUL!

  7. You look absolutely gorgeous, I LOVE YOUR HAIR!

    I LOVE Joyce Meyer, I was curious about her from the first time I heard her voice-she reminded me of a Southern tell it like it is Aunt... I love her to pieces. She had a conference here but I wasn't able to go because I didn't want to take the kid (she tends to kirk out and steal the show. lol)

    I am glad you were inspired and cannot wait to hear more.

  8. That dress is everything! I'm subscribed to some Joyce Meyer's plans on YouVerse bible.

  9. Such a pretty and feminine dress.

  10. You look beautiful Inez!!! I love Joyce Meyer also I sometimes find myself up at 5am watcnhing her before

    Great Post

  11. You look stunning I love the pleats this look is totally gorgeous omg!!!

  12. That dress is gorgeous. I'm so in love with pleats right now.

  13. I'm excited to hear the rest! And I love that dress!

  14. Such a beautiful dress, Inez! Great find! I love it...I need to find a pleated maxi dress!

  15. A pleated maxi and a blazer....swooning!



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