Wednesday, February 12

Armour of God: Put on Love

I knew that before I arrived that God would really speak to my spirit at the conference. I was prepared to be fed and I was. The message was about L O V E. Something I’ve been having a hard time with lately. Not that I have a hard time loving but I have a hard time understanding the actions of those that say they love me. I've also had a hard time dealing with the way I handled certain individuals that have hurt me. The last six months of my life have been …well let’s just say an experience… so I was really anxious to hear what Joyce would cover. Put on Love Colossians 3:14 And above all these [put on] love style enfold yourselves with the bond of perfectness [which binds everything together completely in ideal harmony]  [amplified version]
Joyce started the message with this scripture and she encouraged us to put on the spirit of love and walk in it. We have to first remember that we must love ourselves first, and that it’s ok to do so! So often we are so consumed with our relationships or others that we forget to add ourselves into the equation. It was quickly noted that most of us don’t truly know how to love. We simply say we love someone with our mouths but our actions would definitely speak otherwise We must learn how to love others and show that love for one another through how we treat each other. Remember that love is a free gift and we have to stop charging others for our love, with everything we do, those things should be done to honor God and not for thanks. We must let God be God and when we are mistreated or wronged we should always pray for them and trust God to handle things. So many times when someone hurts us, we want to try to do whatever we can to cause as much pain as that person has caused us. Try not to become so consumed with the way others treat you that you forget to overcome those wrongs with good Humbling ourselves and forgiving others is the key to releasing the fruit of spirit and no that does not mean allowing someone to mistreat you consistently or walk all over you. It means that you are not harboring those negative feelings in your spirit. Forgiveness is for you. Romans 12:21 Do not let yourself be overcome by evil, but overcome (master) evil with good. [amplified version]

I knew that before I arrived that God would really speak to my spirit at the conference. I was prepared to be fed and I was. The message was about L O V E. Something I’ve been having a hard time with lately. Not that I have a hard time loving but I have a hard time understanding the actions of those that say they love me. I've also had a hard time dealing with the way I handled certain individuals that have hurt me. The last six months of my life have been …well let’s just say an experience… so I was really anxious to hear what Joyce would cover. Put on Love Colossians 3:14 And above all these [put on] love style enfold yourselves with the bond of perfectness [which binds everything together completely in ideal harmony]  [amplified version]
Joyce started the message with this scripture and she encouraged us to put on the spirit of love and walk in it. We have to first remember that we must love ourselves first, and that it’s ok to do so! So often we are so consumed with our relationships or others that we forget to add ourselves into the equation. It was quickly noted that most of us don’t truly know how to love. We simply say we love someone with our mouths but our actions would definitely speak otherwise We must learn how to love others and show that love for one another through how we treat each other. Remember that love is a free gift and we have to stop charging others for our love, with everything we do, those things should be done to honor God and not for thanks. We must let God be God and when we are mistreated or wronged we should always pray for them and trust God to handle things. So many times when someone hurts us, we want to try to do whatever we can to cause as much pain as that person has caused us. Try not to become so consumed with the way others tr I knew that before I arrived that God would really speak to my spirit at the conference. I was prepared to be fed and I was. The message was about L O V E. Something I’ve been having a hard time with lately. Not that I have a hard time loving but I have a hard time understanding the actions of those that say they love me. I've also had a hard time dealing with the way I handled certain individuals that have hurt me. The last six months of my life have been …well let’s just say an experience… so I was really anxious to hear what Joyce would cover. Put on Love Colossians 3:14 And above all these [put on] love style enfold yourselves with the bond of perfectness [which binds everything together completely in ideal harmony]  [amplified version]
Joyce started the message with this scripture and she encouraged us to put on the spirit of love and walk in it. We have to first remember that we must love ourselves first, and that it’s ok to do so! So often we are so consumed with our relationships or others that we forget to add ourselves into the equation. It was quickly noted that most of us don’t truly know how to love. We simply say we love someone with our mouths but our actions would definitely speak otherwise We must learn how to love others and show that love for one another through how we treat each other. Remember that love is a free gift and we have to stop charging others for our love, with everything we do, those things should be done to honor God and not for thanks. We must let God be God and when we are mistreated or wronged we should always pray for them and trust God to handle things. So many times when someone hurts us, we want to try to do whatever we can to cause as much pain as that person has caused us. Try not to become so consumed with the way others treat you that you forget to overcome those wrongs with good Humbling ourselves and forgiving others is the key to releasing the fruit of spirit and no that does not mean allowing someone to mistreat you consistently or walk all over you. It means that you are not harboring those negative feelings in your spirit. Forgiveness is for you. eat you that you forget to overcome those wrongs with good Humbling ourselves and forgiving others is the key to releasing the fruit of spirit and no that does not mean allowing someone to mistreat you consistently or walk all over you. It means that you are not harboring those negative feelings in your spirit. Forgiveness is for you.

Wednesday, February 5

Joyce Meyer Conference

Hey everyone!!
Well this post is L-O-N-G overdue! I’ve been super busy the last few weeks and I when I sat down to recap my experiences at the Joyce Meyer conference I wanted to be sure I had enough time to devote to this post. The conference took place a couple weeks ago at the Palace of Auburn Hills.  I was fortunate enough to attend on the last day of the conference and I was even luckier to snag a third row seat in the packed arena!!

Praise and worship was lead by Isreal Houghton and New Breed and they really aided in getting the praise session started. I was so pumped and overjoyed just to be in the presence of so many believers! It was truly amazing! 

After reading over my notes which are three pages long, I figured it would be a good idea to split this post  into a mini-series entitled Armed and Dangerous. 

Prior to my hiatus from blogging earlier this year, I had never really listened to or followed Joyce Meyer before. I had heard of her but I didn’t know her story. During that very difficult time in my life I needed to be feed by the Word and one day the Spirit lead me to begin listening to Joyce Meyer’s teachings. I very quickly became hooked to them and I quickly downloaded every app that I could find and I even purchased two of her books, The Battlefield of the Mind and Living Beyond Your Feelings. 

She encourages us to get to know God for ourselves and not rely on a preacher or teacher, but to have an intimate, one-on-one relationship with God and get to know His Word for ourselves. 

What I love most about Joyce Meyer is her ability to share her story so freely; we can all gain hope and increase our faith and endurance by knowing that God can and will keep on His promises to us. He will never abandon us regardless of  circumstances, now, present or past. 

Forever21 clutch

Starting next week, I will share with you the blessing that Joyce Meyer shared with us. 

Be blessed! 
{{Don't forget to enter the giveaway}}
| Pleated Maxi Dress: Vintage Thrifted (similar in blue, black) 
Blazer: Dressbarn Thrifted (similar)   Bag: Forever21 (similar)  |

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, April 25

#CellPhonesorBibles: Why You Should Opt Out and not attend the Detroit NFL Draft

4 words!!!

Cell phones or Bibles!

I will why explain later. Stay tuned! 

With the love of Jesus,
The Grateful Outlier
Also known as Yanni Outlier
formally Inez of Style Chic 360

For now be sure to follow me on Instagram here
To God Be the Glory, Great things He has done! @theGratefulOutlier

Your soul matters. May God keep you. 

Because if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Sunday, September 11

My Hope Is Built

I haven't publicly talked much about what I've gone through personally for many reasons. One of the main reasons being is the internet is forever, and some things just aren't meant for the world. My testimony though, is something that I will freely share over time without sharing bit by bit of everything that occured. 

Through God's grace, I am able to be transparent with the the world through the lessons and things God has shown me along the way. Sharing my testimony is what I'll do, solely for the glorification of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

In February 2020, before the pandemic and Covid-19 rocked the world, I had what most would consider a mental breakdown. Now I wouldn't label it that, but for the next two years, I would experience a season of pain like nothing I had ever experienced in life. I went through this season with little to no care or concern from those closest to me. Those that I thought I could call on in my time of need, I very quickly saw they were not willing or could not provide what I needed at the time. During this crisis, I lost friends, family and many many others. 

But God! 

God never left me nor forsaked me. Even though it felt I was all alone and unloved.  

During the last 2 1/2 years, my faith was tested and surely I almost ran out of it. I lost my voice and my zeal for life and quite frankly was on the verge of giving up and that's when my God intervened. (Thank you Father!)

He came and reminded me thru the Holy Spirit, the revelation of scripture and song, that He had never left me. I am so grateful and honored He did. 

Now, with the loss of so many of my "closest" relationships I've realized those relationships, if they can even be called that, weren't that close at all. The foundation on which they were built was not solid. So God allowed them to fall. 

Today, I stand on my faith! Nothing and no one can come between my relationship with God! No relationship means more to me than the one I have with my heavenly Father. 

On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. 

Dear God,

Help me to accept when relationships in my life end. Allow me to solely and confidently depend on you for love and companionship. Please continue to be my rock and my redeemer. Thank you for supplying all my help. 

In Jesus Name,

Monday, September 5

Waiting to Hear from You

Are you currently in a waiting season? Well,  I most certainly am! Waiting for God to lead and trusting Gods plan for your life can seem daunting. Simply and solely waiting on God before you act is a true act of faith.

Now, that is something I haven't generally practiced in my life and even when I wrote "simply" I thought to myself it can't be that simple to solely wait to hear from God, can it? Well...

In 1 Samuel 3, God was calling out to Samuel at a time when he had never heard from God and Samuel many times over mistakes God's voice for someone else. (Eli)
How many times has God spoken to us and we did not receive it? 

How many times have we moved without opening our hearts to hear from the Lord? 

Unfortunately, I can recall countless times in my life where my decisions have led me down a path of frustration, regret and destruction. Not today! Today, I am vowing to be still and wait to hear from God! 
I am seeking His direction and guidance in ALL areas of my life.  Even those areas I've quite frankly always done it my way! Now, I am asking and seeking His will not mine be done no matter how uncertain tomorrow is. 

I will trust. 


Give us courage to seek ye first your kingdom and wait on your guidance in our lives. Strengthen our faith so that we may boldly and confidently wait on you. While we are waiting allow us peace and comfort that only you give.

In Jesus name I pray,

Sunday, August 28

Be Ye Transformed

If you're anything like me you've made plenty of mistakes, done some things you've regretted, and sinned and fallen short...that is if you'll admit it to yourself. Don't worry I won't tell. 

The Bible tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

Some of the greatest things about God is his forgiveness, and that His provision and will for us is greater than any mistake we've made...and will make. Most of all His love covers us and He cares for us. 

Romans 12:2 tells us: 
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. KJV

I encourage you to be ye transformed and be set apart. 

The world will certainly try to tell us who we are with labels and lies. But don't be discouraged. Allow God to change your mindset and shift your life. 

I am practicing this very thing now. It is a daily commitment. Now, I've always been a believer...yet, my faith was tested in a major way a few months ago. I now relate heavily to the line: If it had not been for the Lord where would I be?! 

Where would we be if we stop depending on our Father for guidance? Certainly lost. 

Dear God, 

I thank you for finding me and meeting me where I was and restoring my faith. I thank you for deliverance and the transformation of my mind. I am surrendering to your will for my life.

In Jesus name I pray, 

Pastels for Spring

Pastels are really hot and trending for Spring 2014, and I've been on the hunt for the perfect pant. So ...