Joyce started the message with this scripture and she encouraged us to put on the spirit of love and walk in it. We have to first remember that we must love ourselves first, and that it’s ok to do so! So often we are so consumed with our relationships or others that we forget to add ourselves into the equation. It was quickly noted that most of us don’t truly know how to love. We simply say we love someone with our mouths but our actions would definitely speak otherwise We must learn how to love others and show that love for one another through how we treat each other. Remember that love is a free gift and we have to stop charging others for our love, with everything we do, those things should be done to honor God and not for thanks. We must let God be God and when we are mistreated or wronged we should always pray for them and trust God to handle things. So many times when someone hurts us, we want to try to do whatever we can to cause as much pain as that person has caused us. Try not to become so consumed with the way others treat you that you forget to overcome those wrongs with good Humbling ourselves and forgiving others is the key to releasing the fruit of spirit and no that does not mean allowing someone to mistreat you consistently or walk all over you. It means that you are not harboring those negative feelings in your spirit. Forgiveness is for you. Romans 12:21 Do not let yourself be overcome by evil, but overcome (master) evil with good. [amplified version]
I knew that before I arrived that God would really speak to my spirit at the conference. I was prepared to be fed and I was. The message was about L O V E. Something I’ve been having a hard time with lately. Not that I have a hard time loving but I have a hard time understanding the actions of those that say they love me. I've also had a hard time dealing with the way I handled certain individuals that have hurt me. The last six months of my life have been …well let’s just say an experience… so I was really anxious to hear what Joyce would cover. Put on Love Colossians 3:14 And above all these [put on] love style enfold yourselves with the bond of perfectness [which binds everything together completely in ideal harmony] [amplified version]
Joyce started the message with this scripture and she encouraged us to put on the spirit of love and walk in it. We have to first remember that we must love ourselves first, and that it’s ok to do so! So often we are so consumed with our relationships or others that we forget to add ourselves into the equation. It was quickly noted that most of us don’t truly know how to love. We simply say we love someone with our mouths but our actions would definitely speak otherwise We must learn how to love others and show that love for one another through how we treat each other. Remember that love is a free gift and we have to stop charging others for our love, with everything we do, those things should be done to honor God and not for thanks. We must let God be God and when we are mistreated or wronged we should always pray for them and trust God to handle things. So many times when someone hurts us, we want to try to do whatever we can to cause as much pain as that person has caused us. Try not to become so consumed with the way others tr I knew that before I arrived that God would really speak to my spirit at the conference. I was prepared to be fed and I was. The message was about L O V E. Something I’ve been having a hard time with lately. Not that I have a hard time loving but I have a hard time understanding the actions of those that say they love me. I've also had a hard time dealing with the way I handled certain individuals that have hurt me. The last six months of my life have been …well let’s just say an experience… so I was really anxious to hear what Joyce would cover. Put on Love Colossians 3:14 And above all these [put on] love style enfold yourselves with the bond of perfectness [which binds everything together completely in ideal harmony] [amplified version]
Joyce started the message with this scripture and she encouraged us to put on the spirit of love and walk in it. We have to first remember that we must love ourselves first, and that it’s ok to do so! So often we are so consumed with our relationships or others that we forget to add ourselves into the equation. It was quickly noted that most of us don’t truly know how to love. We simply say we love someone with our mouths but our actions would definitely speak otherwise We must learn how to love others and show that love for one another through how we treat each other. Remember that love is a free gift and we have to stop charging others for our love, with everything we do, those things should be done to honor God and not for thanks. We must let God be God and when we are mistreated or wronged we should always pray for them and trust God to handle things. So many times when someone hurts us, we want to try to do whatever we can to cause as much pain as that person has caused us. Try not to become so consumed with the way others treat you that you forget to overcome those wrongs with good Humbling ourselves and forgiving others is the key to releasing the fruit of spirit and no that does not mean allowing someone to mistreat you consistently or walk all over you. It means that you are not harboring those negative feelings in your spirit. Forgiveness is for you. eat you that you forget to overcome those wrongs with good Humbling ourselves and forgiving others is the key to releasing the fruit of spirit and no that does not mean allowing someone to mistreat you consistently or walk all over you. It means that you are not harboring those negative feelings in your spirit. Forgiveness is for you.