Monday, April 23

Laser Hair Removal Vlog Experience + Tips with Light Rx

About a year ago, I mentioned that I had started laser hair removal treatments with LightRx. My disclaimer is the same, I was gifted these services in return for my honest review.

Well I had my last treatment  so I thought now would be the perfect time to tell you all about the process and my experience. I recorded my last session and in the video below I will be taking you guys along with me so that you can see the experience for yourself. I also answer a few tips in the video as well.

Laser Hair Removal Frequently Asked Questions

How many sessions did you have? I had 10 sessions. With LightRx you pay for 8 sessions and are gifted two additional sessions should you need them. 

How are treatments scheduled? Treatments are spread over time between 4-6 weeks depending on the area being treated.

What type of Laser Was Used? Venus Versa. 

Does it hurt? No. In my opinion, it does not hurt it has the sensation of the pop of a rubber band, but it is so quick you barely feel any real discomfort. 

Does it really work? Yes, it does.

Is it a permanent solution?  Over time you will notice that the hair will grow finer and finer and less and less. Over time you will shave less and less.

Are you satisfied?  YES! I am completely satisfied with the results.

Watch the video here:

If you have any other questions please leave them in the comments below!

Be sure to follow me on Instagram here. 
Thanks so much for reading! 

Thursday, March 22

Spring @Forever21 Swimsuit Try-On

Spring @Forever21 Swimsuit Try-On

Hey cuzzo's! So if you haven't noticed I've been quite busy on my YouTube Channel lately and if you're not following me over there you might want to do something about that ASAP.  

I tried on these suits in Forever 21.  Click to Shop!

Find out which one I purchased in the video below.  

Thanks so much for watching!

P.S. This is the most skin I've shown on my blog since rocking this two-piece Forever 21 bikini here, so be nice! 

Thanks so much for reading! 

Tuesday, March 13

#FaithChic360: Surrender | Withholding Nothing

#FaithChic360 Surrender |Withholding Nothing

“In the spiritual realm, victory is won, not by fighting, but by SURRENDER.”  - Oswald Chambers
Lord, I surrender to you today, withholding nothing. Not even those things holding me bondage, not even those things I wish I could hold on to. I surrender all. Type Surrender

Inez's Instagram Live Today

Scripture of the day:
Submit yourselves therefore to God. 
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
James 4:7 ESV

Be sure to follow me on Instagram here. 
Thanks so much for reading! 

Monday, March 12

Faith Chic 360: Surrender | Just Say Yes!

Did you know, I started FaithChic360 over on Instagram live? Each and every morning (excluding Sundays) I go live at 7AM eastern standard time. For just about 15 minutes to share just a little bit of Jesus with you guys through, prayer, a scripture and song. Faith Chic 360 has been going strong for just about a month now and I thought it would be a great time to introduce to you all here! Please check out today's live in the video below.

This week's theme is Surrender! I don't know about you but there are somethings (this one thing in particular) that I need to not only pray about but surrender it to the Lord! I'm thanking Him in advance for deliverance!

Scripture of the day:
Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time. 
Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. 
Quit playing the field. 
James 4:8 MSG

Just Say Yes by Brian Courtney Wilson

God Bless!
Thanks so much for reading! 

Monday, January 22

Meal Prep Monday: Easy, Crispy and Tasty Cauliflower Wings

Hey yall, happy meal prep Monday! As promised, I'm sharing my cauliflower wings recipe with you guys. After tons and tons of requests on Instagram to share, I knew I needed to get this recipe out to you guys quick, fast and in a hurry.

Honestly, this recipe is almost too easy, so I'm hoping that because it is so easy, you'll run right out to your neighborhood grocery store and pick up the ingredients, cook this up and be on your way to making and enjoying the easiest, crispiest and tastiest cauliflower wings ever!

Since becoming vegan I've had so much fun experimenting with food. Cauliflower wings had been in my mental rolodex to make, ever since I ran across a  number of YouTube recipe videos. For me though, most of the tutorials I saw were simply "doing too much".  I did not want to use an egg replacer or flax seed egg. Most recipes called for baking and honestly, I just wanted a quick easy and simple recipe that wouldn't complicate my already hectic life. So I thought about it for a while and quickly remembered a recipe my Mom would make when I was a kid.

My mom would make the crispiest chicken and all she did was coat the chicken with a wet and dry mixture. My Mom's secret weapon was a mixture of water, seasonings and flour. That's it! So that's what I'd do, too! 

So lets get right to it, here's what you'll need:

- 1 head of cauliflower (or a bag of florets)
- 3 cups of all purpose flour
- 1 cup of water
- Canola oil (or oil of your choice for frying)
- Seasonings of your choice

I used:
- Lawry's seasoning salt
- Garlic powder
- Red crushed pepper
- Pepper

- Large pot or deep fryer
- 2 large tupperware bowls with lids

-Hot Sauce
I eyeball seasonings and encourage you to do the same, haha!

Let's get started:
If you're anything like me you'll probably opt to use the pre-cut florets, I mean who has time to chop up cauliflower?  If you do, go ahead and cut your cauliflower into large chunks. Don't make them too small, or they'll look like popcorn chicken. Set aside and lets prepare the dry and wet mixture.

Once you've gathered your ingredients you'll want to have two large bowls with lids to toss the cauliflower in each mixture.

For the dry mixture:
In one of your bowls mix approximately 1 1/2 cups flour and all of your seasonings. pop the lid on and toss for a great mix.

Wet Mixture: 
In the other bowl add 1 1/2 cups of flour, more seasonings and a couple drops of hotsauce (hotsuace is totally optional tho, but make sure you add the seasoning!!). Add a cup of water (give or take). Stir it and mix everything well. Leaving no clumps. The goal here is to have a pancake batter like consistency, actually the runnier the better, that will make for crispier batter.

Now here comes the fun part, toss your cauliflower in each mixture, just like this: 


Pop on your lids and get ta shaking, lol! in Martin voice! Ha!

At this point you can go ahead and heat your oil. The trick for crispy non soggy cauliflower wings is HOT oil! Make sure your oil is hot enough so that your wings will cook fast. If you leave them in too long or if your oil is not hot enough, the cauliflower will turn into mash.  Do it my way and you'll end up with something like this. 

Don't forget to drain them, garnish with your favorite herb and serve immediately. They're yummiest when they're hot! 

Feel free to get fancy and toss them in some sweet and sour sauce or even buffalo sauce like I did here. I wouldn't bake them with the sauce though, it makes them soggy. 

I'm hoping you'll love these as much as I do. If you make them, please share a photo with the hashtag #InezTaughtMe. Thank me later!!  Enjoy!


Will you try this recipe? 

Thanks so much for reading! 

Friday, May 5

4 Reasons I Switched to a Plant Based Diet! #Vegan

I won't be doing my weekly Vegan Try + Buy post today, but if you missed last's weeks post you can view it here. If you don't know I decided to switch to a plant based vegan diet. I have been vegan for 65 days and it has been an amazing journey! I realized after my last post that I should definitely share with you guys just how I got here.  So here are the 4 top reasons why I began vegan!

Fasting Converted Me. My church facilitated a 40 day fast during Lent. During the fast we used the Daniel Fast as our guide. Foods that were eliminated were: meat, dairy products, sugar and foods with preservatives. During the 40 day fast, I read every label before I purchased food. This caused me to really pay attention to the things I had been putting in my body and also avoid the foods I couldn't have. I was surprised to learn there are so many chemicals, things I had not even heard of and animal by products in the food I ate every day.  It was sad and it really changed my outlook on food. I was floored at all of the preservatives and garbage that is truly in our food.  I will be blogging more about my experience with the Daniel Fast soon in case you're interested. 

A post shared by Style Chic 360 Health (@sc360health) on

More Conscious. Although reading the labels of each product  is time consuming, however it makes you extremely conscious and aware of exactly what you are putting in your body. There are so many chemicals in the food we eat and I no longer want to consume all these things I cannot pronounce and that could potentially harm me. When I started meal-prepping, I became very conscious in eating to maintain a healthy lifestyle and not just eating for "fun, taste and enjoyment". Being vegan has intensified this commitment and I am happy and proud of myself for taking the time to care about my body and my future.

The simpler my food the better!

Don't Miss Meat. After eating meat all of my life (34.5 years) after the fast, I no longer have a desire for it! I don't miss it at all and have cleared it from my kitchen. To not even miss something that I've consumed that long means something and to me that just makes my journey that much easier.
Vegan Veggie Burger topped with Spinach and Salsa and a Spinach and Grape salad. #SimpleFood
Commitment to live a Healthier Life. Did you know the primary source for cholesterol and fat come from animal-derived foods? Right now, I am totally healthy and I want to keep it that way, I do not want to live a sick and medication filled life when I'm older and for me this is a welcomed start to not only a destination of healthiness but a journey of one!

If you have enjoyed this post, be sure to follow my health only instagram page @SC360Health there I share daily meals and anything fitness related.

Are you vegan or thinking about it? Please share your stories! 

Wednesday, May 3

Let's Talk Insecurities

"Confidence is beautiful" was one of the first thing I noticed when I arrived at the LightRx location as I neared it. At my highest or even my lowest weight, I've always been confident. For me weight was never an indicator of self worth or confidence. I've always been pretty confident but that doesn't mean I'm free from insecurities.

This post, is one, I've wanted to write for some time, however, in the perfect world of social media and the internet, we all have a tendency to only air the pretty things. And for me, having chin hair just does not qualify as one of those pretty things, so I kept this to myself. I started noticing chin hairs when I was a teenager, they weren't thick at all, I just didn't understand why I was so hairy. I mean, I had thick eyebrows, hairy sideburns, hairy arms and even elementary school. Ugh, so not cool.

Being hairy became an insecurity at a very young age and one day I decided to take a razor to it. This was probably the worse thing I could have ever done, especially on my face. 

Once I hit my mid 20s the hair grew coarser and the need to shave became so frequent, I felt like I needed to shave twice a day just to keep it under control. Shaving also led to ingrown hairs, marks and ugly scaring.

I'm very self conscious about it and wonder if people noticed the hair. It became a horrible annoyance for me and I said if I could ever do something to eliminate this I would.  Admittedly, some things we may be insecure about we learn to accept, this is one thing I'm so glad that professionals have figured out a way to remedy. 

Well, that time has come and thankfully LightRX will be solving my hair issues. If you follow me on Instagram and Snapchat (StyleChic360) then you know that I had my first sessions for laser hair removal to remove hair from my face and underarms. I'm excited to share my journey with you all  and answer any questions you all may have regarding the process. 

Stay tunedor the next 10 months I will be sharing this very intimate journey with you! I'm hoping that by the end of this I can put my ladybeard behind me.   We shall definitely see how it goes!

Interested in learning more about laser hair removal? Read all about it here

I wanted to thank you all for entering my giveaway and I'd like to take this time to announce the winners: 

Congratulations Onika Rodgers and Gen321! Please email me here  to claim your prize!

Monday, May 1

Massini by Stacy London X Meijer

Hey guys so the wonderful folks at Meijer are sponsoring an awesome giveaway today! I will be giving away two $100 Meijer giftcards. There are two ways to enter:
  1. Enter by following the below instructions on my blog. 
  2. EXTRA Entry: Enter by following the instructions on my Instagram that are listed on Instagram under this photo.
When I met Stacy London during the Massini + Meijer Style event I was invited to here, we talked Fall trends. A few trends Stacy mentioned were:
Circle Skirts | Red | Ruffles | Statement Tees| Velvet | Sequins |
Exposed & Off the Shoulder | Black and White |
Pink | Cropped Trousers | Gender-less clothing | Stripes
    Yasss, I'm excited for so many of these trends! Aren't you? I'm sure, right?!
    So to enter the giveaway, please leave a comment below and tell me which trend(s) you are most excited about and why!

    Easy peazy right?! The giveaway will end Tuesday, May 2nd at 11:59pm EST and I will announce the winner here on my blog on Wednesday, May 3rd.

    For an extra entry, head to my instagram @Stylechic360 for details on entering.
    | Top: Massini by Stacy London similar here  Boyfriend Jeans: Thrifted these are cute Sandals: I like these too   Sunglasses and Clutch: Thrifted  similar clutch |

    Be sure to join me on social media... hehe!

    Monday, April 24


    Hey y'all! So if you read my previous post here, you know I had the opportunity to meet Stacy London and shop the Massini by Stacy London brand at Meijer.

    I was excited to have the opportunity to come up with an outfit from the Massini brand. I was drawn to this off-the-shoulder dress however it was a bit too short for my taste. So I thought why not belt it and wear it as a top?

    These patchwork denim jeans are really cute and the fit is pretty nice. I'm wearing a size 12 and I actually wish these were made in different colors/washes because I would probably buy them all!
    I kept the look neutral but I could easily style this dress with orange shoes or even turquoise accessories.

    Stay tuned later this week, I will be hosting a Meijer giftcard giveaway, you don't want to miss out!

    I'm wearing: Top and Jeans: Massini by Stacy London

    Monday, March 14

    Shapewear: Three Brands That I Wear and Love

    Hey ladies! I've been getting lots and lots of questions regarding what types of shapewear I wear. So, I thought now would be a great time to fill you all in on the brands that I love and wear!

    Pastels for Spring

    Pastels are really hot and trending for Spring 2014, and I've been on the hunt for the perfect pant. So ...